Friday, 28 March 2014

Prof Bear's visit to Cameron

Professor Bear’s time at Cameron’s new house!
First I went into Cameron’s Mum’s new rover and went into Cameron’s new house.
Also Cameron showed me around his house. After that, Cameron’s cousin came and played on the Xbox with me and Cameron. Later we also played on the Xbox but on a different game which is a driving game called: Harm’s way. Cameron beat me on the Xbox on the 1st and 2nd round but I beat him on the 3rd round. After we finished that round we went down stairs to watch television. I slid down the banister and we watched Rio but after that we had to go to bed I slept on the sofa meanwhile Cameron was sleeping on his cabin bed.

It was time to wake up, I was very tired and so was Cameron. We got on Cameron’s Xbox and I rode his dog called Chowder while his Mum made breakfast.  I played with the guinea pig and rabbits and we also went and watched a programme about
Puppies growing up and they were ssssoooo cute!. A little while later we had to go back to school. I was very sad to leave Cameron’s fun new house. I hope I came back soon.         

Prof Bear goes to visit Connor

Professor Bear’s time with Connor
First I went with Connor to his car, next we went to Connor’s house. When we got there we practiced the Easter service. After that we went on the Xbox 360 to play Minecraft. We talked to Connor’s friends and played hunger games. Then we went on his laptop and played a Minecraft modpack that is called Donkey pack it has 100+ mods it was really fun. Then Connor had a bath I didn’t get wet because I didn’t go in. Then we went to bed it was 7:50pm.

It was time to wake up I was very tired, so was Connor. We got Connor’s Ipad and watched Minecraft on YouTube when Connor’s Mum was in the bath. Next we went down stairs and watched more YouTube. Then we played with Connor’s cats. After that we were both were really sad because it was time to go to school.  Connor’s Mum was happy because Connor was going to school.

News report by Kaitlyn

 A brilliant rescue from the Scorpio 45!

On Sunday  7th August 2005 seven Russian sailors got  rescued from the Pacific Ocean because they had become stuck at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
It all started when the submarine called the Priz got stuck in nets in the Pacific Ocean. The seven Russian sailors called for help from Scotland. Then the robot called Scorpio 45 came from Glasgow, Scotland what means it took a long time to get to the Russian sailors. The Russian sailors were stuck 190m down.
When the robot and the men arrived at the Pacific Ocean they got to work straight away. As the first the team of seven put the robot on some nets they then made the robot go to the Russian sailors so it could get to work.
Finally, they cut the nets to free them. When they were free the robot gave them carbon dioxide, oxygen, food and drink and medical supplies. Then the robot came to the top of the ocean and got them onto the land. All the families were happy because they didn’t know whether they would be rescued.

By Kaitl;yn

Pinchbeck News
Successful Scorpio

This amazing event happened on the 7th August 2005 when 7 Russian sailors got stuck 190 metres down the Pacific Ocean. The events that come next you won’t believe, because they are so amazing. It also shows how much we need robots in our lives.

Firstly the Russians saw that they were stuck in some nets, so they decided to call for help. The only problem was the Scorpio 45 was set in Scotland, so it took three days to get to them.

Next they saw that they were properly stuck in the nets. Now that Scotland had received the message they decided to call out Scorpio 45 to go and help them. Scorpio 45 is a deep sea rescuer that helps people survive when in dangerous situations under the sea. It is a robot that shows how much we need robots in our lives.

Then Scorpio 45 appeared in the distance all the divers calmed down. As soon as Scorpio 45 was close enough it started to cut through the nets. While it was cutting through them it was supplying the Russians with food, water and oxygen. The nets were all tangled up, so it was hard to try and cut the nets without damaging the Priz.

Finally after a lot of chopping, they got enough power and got back up to the top. When they got to land they all went back to their houses and their families greeted them with joy and happiness. Their families were so happy to see them again.

By Jake  

Newspaper report by Archie

Successful Scorpio

A U.K robot craft saved seven Russian sailors lives trapped in a net 190 metres in the Pacific Ocean on Sunday the 7th of August 2005.
Firstly the Russian sailors found out they were trapped so they decided to call for help. It took three days for the robot to come because it was made in Glasgow Scotland.
The robot that saved the seven Russian sailors lives was called Scorpio 45. He was made for the Ministry of defence by Cumbria- based firm James Fisher Rumic.
However Scorpio 45 is the size of a double bed and caries 3 cameras, sonar systems, propulsion systems, hydraulic power, electrical power, pumps, cutting equipment and also has a manipulator arm.
Finally a boat came to rescue the seven Russian sailors. When it came the Russian sailors were very happy. As soon as they got home to their family they all started crying with joy because they missed each other.
By Archie




Friday, 14 March 2014

Robot by Kacper

Class 8 robot mystery!

On Monday our teacher Mrs Down asked us a question “What has gone missing?” all of us knew that it was the robot. Archie found the first note, so he read it out loudly and clearly. It said “Your robot is missing. Solve the clues and it will be returned. Quietly is sits amidst the busy world of school. Await ransom note 2…” So we wrote where we fought the robot was.


On Tuesday in the bright, sunny afternoon Mrs Down found ransom note 2, so she asked Ellie to read it out loudly so everyone could hear. “If you listen carefully you can hear a tapping. Await ransom note 3…” We went home, and thought about it very carefully.


On rainy Wednesday Archie read ransom note 3 “It sits and looks at the small ones. Await ransom note 4”. So we went home, and we were thinking about what is going to happen on Thursday


On Thursday Mrs down asked Ellie to read random note 4 Ellie after a while she got stuck, so Mrs Down asked Harvey to help her “A desk and a desk and many a book. Await ransom note 5”


On Friday Archie suddenly found ransom note 5 “The final note … you have .This chance to get the robot. Fail to solve a and the robot is eaten by machines. It sits quietly in a place you all like to go … For gifts and comment. This person likes purple and has taught some of you. Think carefully and then take the solve clues to this person to save your robot.
So we went to Mrs Vayro's office to find our robot...there it was!             


Life in Class 8 in term 5

Hi I’m going to tell you about class 8.

This term we have learnt about the Iron Man and we enjoyed making up sentences about it. We made our own newspaper report about the Iron Man they were great. I keep making up stories up and started a whole story in unknown how many parts.

 We have our own home learning wall it is full of home work that Mrs Down didn’t ask us to do. This term our study unit is robots! It all started when we all brought in useless boxes so we turned them into robots!

 They are amazing and it was very hard to make. We have a lot to do in our   study unit. In maths we are doing fractions and we are using our knowlege of dividing to make them.

In literacy we are doing the Iron ManJ. I did some amazing work on it. It is on our working wall and we have lots to do still.

It has been amazing in science we are doing earth, sun and moon.

 We went in a giant dome called a planetarium. The man taught us lots of thing about the solar system. He showed us star shapes in the sky. The people who made up the shapes must off had quite an imagination, because some shapes didn’t look like their names. When we came out we asked some questions - mine was what a whirl pool universe is.

 I learnt that most of the planets are not planets they are stars. We learnt a lot about the universe. I had a great time in the planetarium. And when the sun came up in the planetarium it was still night time.

One day we were about to go out to play but then Mrs Down said “something is missing” we were like oh no! I wasL. When we came in we saw a letter it said ‘oh no has one of the machines got our robot?’

 Then the next day a letter called ransom note 1 then the next day ransom note 2.  3, 4 and then the final note came. Archie read the note we all listened then we knew straight away it was Mrs Vayro, so Mrs Down took us to Mrs Vayro’s office then that was when we got him backJ.

Professor Bear and Ember are stuffed toys who Mrs Down lets us take home for the night or weekend. When we come back we write a blog like this one but about what we did while we were at home. It is very exciting when he does come with you, believe me I’ve had himJ.



The robot that went missing…by Courtney and Cameron

The robot that went missing…

On Monday Mrs Down told us that something was missing. Before we went out for play time in the beautiful sun we had to try and guess what it was. We guessed it was the robot and we all wondered where it had gone.

We looked outside and saw a big muddy hole and that’s where we all thought it was, but nobody knew if it actually was. At the end of the day Archie found a note - it was a clue where the robot was. It was   ransom note number 1 which read “Your robot has gone missing. Solve the clues otherwise it will not be returned. Quietly it sits staring at the busy wonderful world of school.” Some of thought it was in the nature area or the front office but we weren’t quite sure.

The next day ransom note 2 came along... it said ransom note 2 “If you listen carefully you can hear tapping. Await ransom note 3.” We all thought it was in different places -  some people thought it was in Mrs Down’s cupboard but it wasn’t so we were getting worried.

Finally the next day came and we wondered what the next note could say. At the end of the busy day we got ransom note 3 on Mrs Down’s desk… it read “Ransom note 3. It sits watching little ones. Await ransom note 4.”  We didn’t know where it was but we thought it was in a pit under own playground or reception but we would have to wait.

Meanwhile the next day came fast and we still hadn’t found the robot. It was ransom note 4 time and this one said “A desk, a desk and many a book.” We didn’t have a clue!  If we couldn’t figure it out it would be gone for ever.

Ransom note 5 read “The final note you have this chance to get your robot back! Fail to solve it and the robot be eaten by sits quietly in a place you all like to go there for gifts and rewards and a lovely comment. This person likes purple and has thought some of you. Think carefully and then take the solved clues to this person to save your robot.

We all thought it was at Mrs Vayro’s office so we went there and Archie read it to her. Finally we had found the robot Sam picked it up and carried it back.  We were all happy to have the robot back and it was good fun looking for him.

The End!   By Cameron and Courtney




Adventures with Alexa

Professor Bear with Alexa


On Thursday I went home with Alexa but first we had to go to kid’s club. When we got back to Alexa`s house we got ready for bed.

The next day we stayed in bed because we had, had a busy week at school. When we woke up we had are lunch. It was delicious! We watched Despicable Me 2. It was amazing and quite funny! After that we went to bed. We had a good night’s sleep.

When we woke up we had to wake up early because we had a big day ahead of us. We went to the shop because we didn’t have a lot of food. We got a lot of food and we got are lunch and tea. We got some other stuff for Alexa`s birthday! We got napkins, plates and some plastic cups. Then we went home quickly because we had some ice in the back that could melt all over the car! When we got home we ate are lunch because we were really hungry. When we had finished that me and Alexa went up stairs to listen to some loud music! It was One Direction music! Next we went down stairs to eat our tea. Then we got ready for bed. We had a good night sleep.


When we woke up Alexa was really excited because it was six days until Alexa`s birthday! She was jumping up and down with joy. She was going to be nine. Then we had our breakfast. Then we had a play on the Wii. We played on under water life. I found a puffer fish but then something quickly swam past! It was a dolphin. It was very cute but I couldn’t take a picture of it because it was too fast for me to do that. When it was time for tea Alexa had to turn the Wii of. We ate our tea really quickly because we were really hungry. We went to bed straight away because we were extremely tired!


 When we woke up in the morning Alexa was even more excited because it was only five more days until it was her birthday! Alexa`s mum went to the shop to buy Alexa a present for her birthday. Alexa didn’t know that was why she was going to the shop. When her mummy got back we were in the garden so Alexa didn’t know. We went inside because it was getting cold and it was time for a yummy tea. It was tuna pasta bake for tea. It was really tasty so me and Alexa ate it straight away. Then we got ready for bed. I went straight to sleep but I am not sure if Alexa did. 


On Saturday Alexa woke up really early because it was her birthday. She had a lot of peasants and Alexa`s favourite one was her maze ball. She loved playing with it. When it was Alexa`s party all of her friends came round. Alexa had a koala bear. She called it Lola.


When it was the morning we got ready for school. When we got to school Alexa put me back and I hope I go home with her again!                    


Jack and Evie and the missing robot

The missing robot!

This week our robot went missing and we had to find him! We had to answer the ransom notes we had to put on the bottom of them where we thought the robot was. The first ransom note said-Your robot is missing solve the clues and your robot will be returned quietly is sits amidst the busy world of school.

Await ransom note  number 2…

We thought it may be in the office or in the hall but no we found ransom note number 2. We were going to find the robot we thought to ourselves.

Ransom note number 2 said –if you listen carefully you can hear a tapping noise. Await ransom note number 3…

 We still thought it was in the hall or in the computer room still we had some more ransom notes to find. The next day we found ransom note number 3. We were close to finding our small robot.

Ransom note number 3 said-ransom note number 3 it sits and looks at small ones await ransom note number 4…

We thought it might be in class 1or2 we thought we were getting closer and closer to finding our small robot. The next day we found ransom note number 4.

Ransom note number 4 said- ransom note number 4 and a desk and a desk and many a book await ransom not number 5…

We then thought it was in the office or the library. The next day we found ransom note number 5 this ransom note said a lot then we read it said-the final note you have this one chance to get your robot back! Fail to solve it and your robot will be eaten by a machine it sits quietly in a place where you will write to the gifts and awards and a lovely comment this person loves purple and has taught some of you think carefully to this person to save your robot. Then all of our class shouted MRS VAYROS OFFICE! We all went to Mrs Vayro’s office and we saw how many children we could fit in Mrs Vayro’s office and we got all of us inside and Sam got the robot and we went back to the classroom.

Robot adventures by Archie and Louis

Class 8’s adventure for a robot.


On Monday Mrs Down told us that one of our fabulous robots had gone missing. When it was break time everyone watched Mrs Down because they thought Mrs Down would hide the robot while we are playing so we don’t see it when we come in.

Mrs Down said ‘Your robot is missing solve the clues and it will be returned quietly. It sits amid the busy world of school. Await ransom note 2.

Mrs Down said that we could read ransom note 2 . It said if you listen carefully you can hear a tapping sound. We all thought that it was in the library but it wasn’t. Await ransom note 3.

Then on Tuesday we read ransom note 3. It said that it sits and looks at small ones. We thought that it was still in the library for some reason. But it was not. We really didn’t know where it was.

We really were stuck until we read ransom note 4 - we knew it was in an office or the library. We awaited ransom note 5.

On Friday we got the last note it said ‘you have this chance to get the robot! Fail to solve it and robot is eaten by machines. It sits quietly in a place you alike to go for gifts and rewards and a lovely comment. This person likes purple and has taught some of you. Think carefully then take the solved clues to this person to save your robot. ‘

We all then went to find Mrs Vayro…she had got our robot!








World Book Day 2014


When we got to school everybody was dressed up as book characters of their choice. There was a Mario and Luigi- it was really funny to see them stand together. There was a really cool witch; it really looked like a real witch.  There was a musketeer with a fake moustache and fake gun!
After lunch we went to the younger classes and read our book to them. It was cool to see all their costumes. One of them had a really cool mask on and a really cool costume – it was a knight.
In assembly all the classes stood up one by one and did a twirl. While we were in assembly we introduced the readathon which is where you read books and get people to sponsor you.  There are two charities that the money goes to.


A robot went missing! by Kaitlyn and Sian

A robot went missing!

We had ransom notes sent to our class. Do you think you would want to help us? Here is ransom note one.’ Your robot is missing. Solve the clues and it will be returned.  Quietly it sits amidst the busy world of school.’ Here all some of the places that we thought of -  office, library and nature area.

 Read on for ransom note two…

‘If you listen carefully you can hear a tapping.  Await for ransom note three… ‘

Ransom note three…

‘It sit’s and looks at small ones. Get ready for ransom note five…’

Finally ransom note  FIVE.  We have to get this one .’.You have this chance to get the robot! Fail to solve it and the robot is eaten by machines. It sits quietly in a place you like to go …for gifts and rewards and a lovely comment. This person likes purple and has taught some of you. Think carefully and then take the solved clues to this person to some our robot.’

 When we knew where it was we all shouted “WE KNOW WHERE IT IS  - IN MRS VAYROS OFFICE!” We were so over joyed!

 Thank you Mrs Down for a wonderful adventure with our robot. You are the best!

Friday, 7 March 2014

Class 8’s robot has gone missing! by Hennie and Maja

The robot has gone!

On Monday Mrs Down told the whole class that something was missing and we figured out that it was a robot that we had made. After break Mrs Down gave us Ransom Note 1! It said "Your robot is missing. Solve the clues and it will be returned. Quietly it sits amidst the busy world of school. Await Ransom Note 2." Some of the places we thought of would be the office, the library and the nature area.

 Ransom Note 2 said "If you listen carefully you can hear a tapping… Await Ransom Note 3." Some people thought it was hiding in the hall, in the shed and Mrs Down’s cupboard.


Ransom Note 3 said "It sits and looks at small ones. Await Ransom Note 4… "  Some people thought it was in the reception. A couple of other people thought it was in a different place but we went for the most people who said reception.


Ransom Note 4 said "A desk and a desk and many a book. Await Ransom Note 5…"Some people thought it was hiding in the office and the library.  Again some people thought it was in a couple of different places.


Ransom Note 5 said The final note… you have this chance to get the robot! Fail to solve it and the robot is eaten by machines. It sits quietly in a place you all like to go for gifts and rewards and a lovely comment. This person likes purple and has taught some of you. Think carefully and then take the solve clues to this person to save your robot." We thought it was Mrs Vayro’s office so we went to her office. Then we shouted that we think our robot is in your office. We were right and then she kindly gave us our robot back and Sam took it back to the classroom.
We were so relieved because we got the robot back!




Class 8 blog writing about the missing Robot by Charlie and Jake

Class 8’s robot has gone missing!

On Monday when we got to school we found that our robot had gone missing! After break we saw ransom note 1 which said – “Your robot is missing. Solve the clues and it will be returned!” We were really excited, and we really wanted to find our missing robot. It was quite small, so it could be anywhere!

On Tuesday we found ransom note 2 lying on the side near Mrs Down’s computer. This note said “If you listen carefully you hear a tapping noise.” When we heard this we were really thinking, where it could be.

 Then on Wednesday letter 3 arrived and it said, “It sits and looks at the small ones.” We thought it could be in reception now, but was it we thought

On Thursday we had a ransom letter again which told us that where it was had books scattered everywhere. We still hadn’t worked out where it was.

Finally on Friday ransom note 5 arrived. This is what it read, “It sits quietly in a place you all like to go for gifts and rewards and lovely comments this person likes purple and has thought of some of you. Think carefully and take the solved clues to this person to save your robot." After that we all went to Mrs Vayro’s office, and that is where we found it. It was right near the cupboard behind the door. We were really excited to see our robot again! 




Embers time with Archie

Embers time with Archie


After school me and Archie went to Archie’s house and played on his Xbox. First we started playing Minecraft, after that we watched a James Bond movie called Casino Royal. Then the power flicked out so Archie had to go to bed.
On Saturday Archie and I took Archie’s sister dancing. Then we went to town to get some food for the week. Archie got a Sport's Relief cup. After we went to B&M to get a drink for Archie’s sister. Next we went to Lidl, Archie’s Mums favourite shop, to get some frozen berries.
On Sunday I had a lie in while Archie went to rugby. When he came back he looked like he was crying then I heard him say he got hit in the leg with a stud and his face hit a frozen peace of grass after he got tackled. Finely Archie came to bed and we listened to eat sleep rave repeat. It was funny.
On Monday Archie Brought me back to school.


By Ember the Dragon.