So Pinchy is now on his way to the USA and he has left me (Prof Bear) to look after the blog until Ember appears from the USA.
I helped wrap Pinchy up carefully and trotted off to the post office with Mr Down. All I can say is that I am glad I am staying with Class 8 as it all looked very scary to me.
The children are having a fun week this week at school - they have a drama group in called Where there's a Will. They will be acting out A Midsummer Night's Dream throughout the week and then perform it to KS1 on Friday. I have listened to Mrs Down read the story version to the class so am very excited!
Prof Bear.
PS I am the class bear that spends lots of his time in the tent in the reading corner. I have also recently been to Antarctica to study penguins to help the children write non-chronological reports.
PPS You can follow the blog on Class Blog Shed on
the Literacy Shed.
Well Class Eight the lady in the post office looked quite surprised when I wrote "monkey" on the customs form to say what was in the package!